What makes Idaho's potatoes so special anyway?
Hidden Gems to visit in Southern Idaho:
Visit Oster Lakes: idfg.idaho.gov/ifwis/fishingplanner/water/1148631427594 Try alligator at the Snake River Grill in Hagerman: snakeriver-grill.com Take a trip to the Riverboat Restaurant in Hagerman: theriverboatrestaurant.weebly.com Try out El Tapatio Mexican Restaurant in Wendell: eltapatioidaho.com Play golf Clear Lake Country Club: clearlakecc.org Learn more about Idaho Educational Services for the Deaf and Blind located in Gooding, Idaho: iesdb.org/index.php
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How one woman is encouraging people to get out of their comfort zones and find better health
About Southern Idaho:
Experience the Southern Idaho lifestyle Explore career opportunities in Southern Idaho
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How one man overcame tragedy and found himself on Idaho's highest peak
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How a calling to give back turned into family fun![]()
To kick off season 2, we brought in a couple of family friends (Luke and Heidi Mickelson, Nancie Mathews) to talk about how they help give kids across the world a place to sleep every night. Listen to learn how Sleep in Heavenly Peace started as a small local charity to become a worldwide effort featured on CNN (and how they’re now venturing into the axe throwing business).
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How one man went from blazing new trails at the Olympics to building trails in Sun Valley, Idaho
Experience the Southern Idaho lifestyle
Explore career opportunities in Southern Idaho Follow us on social so you never miss an episode!
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Step back in time and learn why the Camas Prairie is a place like no other
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Finding your Secret Spot in One of Idaho's State Parks
Explore Southern Idaho’s state parks: parksandrecreation.idaho.gov
Experience the Southern Idaho lifestyle. Explore career opportunities in Southern Idaho. Follow us on social so you never miss an episode!
Idaho state parks, state parks, Idaho, Southern Idaho, Twin Falls Idaho, interviews, conversations, life, fun, Secrets Out Idaho, adventure, outdoor recreation, outdoors
What it takes to make your childhood dreams come true
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How an unconventional childhood inspired a life of giving back
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Why Twin Falls, Idaho is the best place in the world for adrenaline junkies
Follow Wings for Love on Facebook!
Watch “Miles Above” on YouTube! Experience the Southern Idaho lifestyle: southernidaho.org/lifestyle Explore career opportunities in Southern Idaho: southernidaho.org/jobs
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AuthorAmanda Worthington Categories
December 2020